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New to Gluten Intolerance?
You’re Not Alone.  

In a research study conducted by Dr. Alessio Fasano, a world-renowned gastroenterologist from Mass General Hospital, founder of the Center for Celiac Research, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, it was found that over 3 million people suffer from Celiac Disease¹, and nearly 6% of the population suffers from gluten-intolerance.² Equally concerning; however, is that there are likely millions of others in the US who have celiac disease or other forms of gluten intolerance who have not been diagnosed.  Left untreated, many of these individuals are at high risk of developing other serious autoimmune diseases.  


While there is no cure for either Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance, most people suffering from these conditions find relief by following a highly restrictive gluten free diet.  Being diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance is akin to receiving a dietary life sentence characterized by tasteless or gummy versions of wheat-based foods and the penalty of forever being dependent on scrutinizing food labels. To an Italian this diagnosis is a fate worse than death because food is so much more than sustenance:  it is love, community and connection.  And yet, 1 in 10 children in Italy are born with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance.  It is not surprising, then, that viable and delicious alternatives would eventually emerge from Italy.


It has been affectionately noted that when Italians are not eating good food, they are talking about it.  The authors, two Italian Americans, who had independently been diagnosed with gluten-intolerance, embarked on a mission to recreate the memorable meals they’d come to love pre-diagnosis using gluten free ingredients. Their goal was to create gluten free versions of the recipes passed down from mother to daughter that were as good as or better than the original recipes.    
The fruit of their effort is a newly released cookbook entitled, “Senza Glutine:  Timeless Italian Dishes for the Gluten Free Palate”. The book contains over 100 beautifully photographed recipes, illustrated techniques, and information on how to source the best gluten-free products.  The book is equally helpful to those just starting their gluten free journey or those simply longing for diversity in their diet.

For those suffering from gluten intolerance, the authors hope this book will liberate them from the bondage of gluten intolerance and allow them to once again enjoy great tasting meals.  

¹ Fasano A, Berti I, Gerarduzzi T, et al. Prevalence of celiac disease in at-risk and not-at-risk groups in the United States. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2003;163(3):268–292.

² Cleveland Clinic:

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